This was the initial semester to be interrupted by the COVID calamity. These farmers started out in the tunnels and ended on Zoom. Despite the global pandemic, they learned a lot and emerged healthy.

Dr. Dave Mortensen

Dr. Dave taught this semester while Professor Ogden took a sabbatical. Dr. Dave is arguably the most wholesome guy around AND can jam on an ol’ fashioned squeezebox. Seriously, this is one lovable professor!

Catherine Doheny

Catherine is the quintessential Granite Stater that likes nerding out about bugs, turnips, and social justice. She’s also the Spring Semester’s arm wrestling champion.

Jill Locke

Jill came to FarmToYouNH with several years of farming experience. She’s on loan from Texas State University as an exchange student, but we’re not giving her back.

Jessica Nelson

Jessica is a brilliant entrepreneur; she, among many other things, owns a startup ice-cream boat business. That’s right, her summer job is cruising the lake slinging ice-cream. Brilliant…

K Kyle Saltonstall

Kyle co-owns a small farm in Stratham, NH. We think he secretly took this class to recruit students to work on his own farm. How many semesters can he take this course?