What We Do

  • Aphids suck, literally. They are small, soft-bodied insects that use long, slender piercing mouthparts to suck up plant fluids. Aphids…

  • Spring Harvest Dinner: Showcasing Local Foods!

    Every year, this event is a crowd favorite for featuring dishes from local farms and businesses. Here at Farm To…

  • We finally got the tunnels covered back up with plastic… phew!! The tunnel covered, we needed to prep the beds…

  • Hey y’all FarmToYouNH Alum, we want to recognize all of your hard work in the tunnels and fields. We added…

  • Join us for our FREE Networking Event!

    You’re invited to the Farm to YouNH’s 4th annual Harvest Day networking event! We will have student-led farm tours, informational…

  • The spring semester has brought a new group to Farm to You NH, and with it new opportunities. I am…

  • Instructions: Transplant Mid September –mid October seeding Unheated tunnel; 4 inches between plants, 2 rows per bed Insect Pests: Aphids…

  • Instructions: Transplant or direct sow When soil temperatures have reached 60 degrees Fahrenheit – usually three weeks after last frost…